Sunday, April 21, 2013

Why I Cry Every Year on Earth Day and You Can Too!

Every year for Earth Day I like to read one of my top 5 favorite books of all time: 

No matter how many times I read this book when the little wumps cry out "wump, wump!" and are forced into their underground hole, I cry. 

Boo-hoo cry in front of all of my students. I am a BIG softy when it comes to little critters.

Last years kiddos cried right along with me. 

This year I've added this writing activity to the mix. 

I am going to have my kiddos choose something from nature and write about how the world would be different without that one thing. 

 I will probably choose the elephant, I always do. 

You can grab the freebie directly from Google Docs

And you might want to check out last years Earth Day post for some fun, paper free, interactive ideas. :)

Now, I'm off to remember what I'm teaching next week. Wump. Wump.


  1. Wump, Wump! Thanks for the reminder about this book, and the writing activity to boot! :)

    Hello Mrs Sykes

  2. I've never heard of this book. Thank you for sharing! I can't wait to read it. :)

    Sugar and Spice

  3. I've never heard of this book! I will definitely be checking it out! :)

    EduKate and Inspire


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